Since we returned from Ohio, I have been trying to post photos, as I had promised. Amylovie offered to let me use her computer while we were there for the 4th of July, but I didn't want to interrupt the party. WRONG! The next day I confidently sat down to prepare a terrific, photo-filled post with 6 pictures. WRONG! I assembled the photos in a file in my computer and set to work with PhotoBucket. I clicked submit and waited over an hour. I was so happy to when it finally started to show the photos loaded on P. B. First came one, then............. That was it!!!! It was late, so I thought, "I will try to get the rest tomorrow" WRONG! Tomorrow came. I sat, I loaded 5 photos, I waited another hour. Can you believe it, there were only 2 of the 5 loaded this time. So last night, before I went to bed, I gave P.B. another chance with the last 3. When I got up this morning at 5am, Hallelujah! All my photos were loaded in P. B. I went immediately to Blogger dashboard, started clicking on the "add another photo" boxes, until there were 5 boxes. Blogger would not let me add the last one. So this post has only 5 photos. If I don't have a breakdown, I might post the last on later. Since I am so frustrated about this whole photo posting thing, I am not going to try to rearrange the photos in any order. I'll just use the order Blogger gave me. It always seems random. Anyway, here we go at last:

This is a baby wash cloth that has the imprint of little new-born baby footprints on it. The toes are bobbles. It is made from Bernat's CottonTots. The footprints don't show up too well in the variegated. I did make one in solid yellow, but I already gave it away to my niece for her new baby. The pattern is at (Note the second K in the webname.) I shared this pattern with the ladies at Knitting Nurse's sit n knit group. They really liked it.

And speaking of Knitting Nurse, here she is with me and the Yarntopia sock yarn I took to her in Ohio. We had a great visit.

This is the shawl I knit from the yarn sent to me as a prize by Tabby Tuxedo. I wore it in Indianapolis for the TNNA market. It really came in handy. I made up the pattern.

This is the man's scarf knit from a Classic Elite worsted. This is for my church's Advent Fair. I made up the pattern for this one too. It is a basic basket weave with a seed stitch border.

And here are more socks. I finished the Yarntopia sock yarn socks using a basic 2x2 rib and short row heel and toe. The other sock is one of a pair (I'm still working on the second sock) made from FREE YARN we got at TNNA.
The last photo that I didn't get to post was of our front porch cat (we have a back porch cat, and never the twain shall meet) with a finished baby ball in pastels and an unfinished ball in Texas A&M colors. The balls are for the Advent Fair, also.
So that is it. I think I may have to take a vacation from blogging. I may even go on sabbatical until I can get DSL. Either that or go crazy or have to get another phone line. Please understand, gentle reader, if I don't post or comment or anything for a while. I may be just lurking for a while.

This is a baby wash cloth that has the imprint of little new-born baby footprints on it. The toes are bobbles. It is made from Bernat's CottonTots. The footprints don't show up too well in the variegated. I did make one in solid yellow, but I already gave it away to my niece for her new baby. The pattern is at (Note the second K in the webname.) I shared this pattern with the ladies at Knitting Nurse's sit n knit group. They really liked it.

And speaking of Knitting Nurse, here she is with me and the Yarntopia sock yarn I took to her in Ohio. We had a great visit.

This is the shawl I knit from the yarn sent to me as a prize by Tabby Tuxedo. I wore it in Indianapolis for the TNNA market. It really came in handy. I made up the pattern.

This is the man's scarf knit from a Classic Elite worsted. This is for my church's Advent Fair. I made up the pattern for this one too. It is a basic basket weave with a seed stitch border.

And here are more socks. I finished the Yarntopia sock yarn socks using a basic 2x2 rib and short row heel and toe. The other sock is one of a pair (I'm still working on the second sock) made from FREE YARN we got at TNNA.
The last photo that I didn't get to post was of our front porch cat (we have a back porch cat, and never the twain shall meet) with a finished baby ball in pastels and an unfinished ball in Texas A&M colors. The balls are for the Advent Fair, also.
So that is it. I think I may have to take a vacation from blogging. I may even go on sabbatical until I can get DSL. Either that or go crazy or have to get another phone line. Please understand, gentle reader, if I don't post or comment or anything for a while. I may be just lurking for a while.
maryann! they look great... all of the projects :) glad you had fun in Ohio ;) can you email me with your address so I can send your your gift for succeeing in your K challenge?
All your knitting looks wonderful! And it looks like you and the Knitting Nurse were having a blast :o)
I totally understand re: dialup. I live in an area where it's dialup or Direcway so I had dialup for the. longest. time. until we finally saved enough to buy the Direcway dish. Although, at least once a day I have an issue with the dish and if it rains in the Northeast I can't go online. Very frustrating!
Perish the thought of giving up blogging!
At least save up your posts and do it when you come to visit.
Don't give up on blogging - but, I understand - it's frustrating enough sometimes without the nightmare it must be of doing it without DSL!
I've had no problems with PhotoBucket, but Blogger some days just really gives me fits posting pictures.
Love your knits! That washcloth is adorable!
Gorgeous projects! The little footprint dishcloth is so cute.
Don't you dare stop blogging, you are one of my regular stops :).
Have you tried They have a good service to make a picture slide, I don't know if it would help, but it is worth a try :).
Uploading photos is so hit and miss with blogger. It's not you. It's blogger.
The shawl came out great! The colors look even better knit up than they did in the skein.
I'm getting my own Yarntopia yarn soon! I'm so excited!
Oh man, if I had to deal with that level of photo uploading frustration I'd go on sabbatical too. :( I mean, I hope you don't, but I do sympathize.
Your FOs look great! I think the Yarntopia socks are my favorite. How do you like the short-row heel? I am partial to that method myself.
Glad you had so much fun on your trip!
Okay, here's my 2 cents worth - I have DSL and it's STILL slow uploading to Blogger. I also haven't figured out how to get the picture where I want it, instead of always at the top of the page. Any who, the computer guy is coming tomorrow to figure why my DSL is so slow and to retrieve all the pictures, etc. from the now defunct hard drive. Computers are only fun when they WORK!
Glad you had a good time in Ohio and you made some beautiful things. Oh, and don't quit blogging, I like reading even without pictures. :o)
Sheri in GA
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