Kid stuff (and coral beans)

Since the last time I posted anything, I've been very busy. My husband and I went on a 6 day kayaking trip with an Elderhostel group, leaving each day from Galveston. Then right away I dove into helping Amy get ready to open Yarntopia. Their blog has lots of pictures, so I won't post any. If I knew how to put in a link, I would, but I think most of you who read this already know where to find it. This picture is of the 2 things I finished and one of the things I have started. Since I have noticed how really artistic some pictures on other blog are, I decided to upgrade my photo. Here is my best effort. The baby blanket is made of Carron Baby Soft that I have had in my stash for years. I'm trying to use up what I have since I now have an "in" with my LYS. The ball is made of the yarn leftover from the camo sweater I made for my grandson. I'm trying out projects to use up all the small bits I have. I plan to make things to donate to my church's Advent Fair. The pastel squares are the beginning of a ball or block. I'm not sure what it will turn out to be. I'm making it up as I go. This too will go to the Advent Fair. I posed all of this in front of the coral beans that are growing in our yard. They are native Texas plants. They just put themselves there and take care of themselves. That is my kind of gardening.
Mary Ann - what a beautiful blanket - and you've done yourself proud with that photo - VERY nice!
Very artsty fartsy mom!
Like the photo!
The kayaking trip sounds like it was lots of fun!
I like the baby blanket. The attempt at a more "artsy" photo looks good! Plants that take care of themselves are my kind of gardening too :)
GREAT photo! =)*) I like that baby blanket a bunch. I have a hard time liking most baby blankets, weird, I guess, but that one is cool. cute squares arrangement as well, and I really like that chair! LOL - really, it matches my kitchen curtains!
The photo is beautiful...artsy :). The baby blanket is really, really nice. I like Caron Simply soft, it is a nice soft yarn for babies and you can knit up a storm without breaking the bank ;)
To echo all the other commenters, that is a lovely photo! It looks so inviting -- how I wish I were sitting in that chair in the sun right now with the blanket on my lap and working on my knitting.
FABULOUS photo! Lovely knits as well!
BTW, I heard from a 'little birdie' that you will be visiting family in Ohio this year?
I want to know when so that we can see if we can catch up with each other, ok?
i do love the artsy fartsy look of your photo! the blanket is beautiful... and i love the color of the yarn below it.. very rich colors! thank you so much for entertaining the kiddos on monday at the shop. i enjoyed seeing you again :)
Beautiful blanket - great photo!
It was great meeting you the other day and thanks again for helping me out by winding the yarn. You've saved me hours of frustration!! (I wish I were kidding!)
Anywho, I was admiring the felted flowers in Yarntopia! They are beautiful!!
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