Since we returned from Ohio, I have been trying to post photos, as I had promised. Amylovie offered to let me use her computer while we were there for the 4th of July, but I didn't want to interrupt the party. WRONG! The next day I confidently sat down to prepare a terrific, photo-filled post with 6 pictures. WRONG! I assembled the photos in a file in my computer and set to work with PhotoBucket. I clicked submit and waited over an hour. I was so happy to when it finally started to show the photos loaded on P. B. First came one, then............. That was it!!!! It was late, so I thought, "I will try to get the rest tomorrow" WRONG! Tomorrow came. I sat, I loaded 5 photos, I waited another hour. Can you believe it, there were only 2 of the 5 loaded this time. So last night, before I went to bed, I gave P.B. another chance with the last 3. When I got up this morning at 5am, Hallelujah! All my photos were loaded in P. B. I went immediately to Blogger dashboard, started clicking on the "add another photo" boxes, until there were 5 boxes. Blogger would not let me add the last one. So this post has only 5 photos. If I don't have a breakdown, I might post the last on later. Since I am so frustrated about this whole photo posting thing, I am not going to try to rearrange the photos in any order. I'll just use the order Blogger gave me. It always seems random. Anyway, here we go at last:

This is a baby wash cloth that has the imprint of little new-born baby footprints on it. The toes are bobbles. It is made from Bernat's CottonTots. The footprints don't show up too well in the variegated. I did make one in solid yellow, but I already gave it away to my niece for her new baby. The pattern is at (Note the second K in the webname.) I shared this pattern with the ladies at Knitting Nurse's sit n knit group. They really liked it.

And speaking of Knitting Nurse, here she is with me and the Yarntopia sock yarn I took to her in Ohio. We had a great visit.

This is the shawl I knit from the yarn sent to me as a prize by Tabby Tuxedo. I wore it in Indianapolis for the TNNA market. It really came in handy. I made up the pattern.

This is the man's scarf knit from a Classic Elite worsted. This is for my church's Advent Fair. I made up the pattern for this one too. It is a basic basket weave with a seed stitch border.

And here are more socks. I finished the Yarntopia sock yarn socks using a basic 2x2 rib and short row heel and toe. The other sock is one of a pair (I'm still working on the second sock) made from FREE YARN we got at TNNA.
The last photo that I didn't get to post was of our front porch cat (we have a back porch cat, and never the twain shall meet) with a finished baby ball in pastels and an unfinished ball in Texas A&M colors. The balls are for the Advent Fair, also.
So that is it. I think I may have to take a vacation from blogging. I may even go on sabbatical until I can get DSL. Either that or go crazy or have to get another phone line. Please understand, gentle reader, if I don't post or comment or anything for a while. I may be just lurking for a while.

This is a baby wash cloth that has the imprint of little new-born baby footprints on it. The toes are bobbles. It is made from Bernat's CottonTots. The footprints don't show up too well in the variegated. I did make one in solid yellow, but I already gave it away to my niece for her new baby. The pattern is at (Note the second K in the webname.) I shared this pattern with the ladies at Knitting Nurse's sit n knit group. They really liked it.

And speaking of Knitting Nurse, here she is with me and the Yarntopia sock yarn I took to her in Ohio. We had a great visit.

This is the shawl I knit from the yarn sent to me as a prize by Tabby Tuxedo. I wore it in Indianapolis for the TNNA market. It really came in handy. I made up the pattern.

This is the man's scarf knit from a Classic Elite worsted. This is for my church's Advent Fair. I made up the pattern for this one too. It is a basic basket weave with a seed stitch border.

And here are more socks. I finished the Yarntopia sock yarn socks using a basic 2x2 rib and short row heel and toe. The other sock is one of a pair (I'm still working on the second sock) made from FREE YARN we got at TNNA.
The last photo that I didn't get to post was of our front porch cat (we have a back porch cat, and never the twain shall meet) with a finished baby ball in pastels and an unfinished ball in Texas A&M colors. The balls are for the Advent Fair, also.
So that is it. I think I may have to take a vacation from blogging. I may even go on sabbatical until I can get DSL. Either that or go crazy or have to get another phone line. Please understand, gentle reader, if I don't post or comment or anything for a while. I may be just lurking for a while.